Thermography services are provided by Medical Thermography of Metro St.Louis  (MTMS)

We offer Thermography quarterly at our office. Please call 573-341-8292 to schedule an appointment.

MTMS offers Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) at convenient locations in St.Louis and adjacent regional areas. DITI is a totally non-invasive clinical imaging procedure used to detect and monitor a number of diseases and physical injuries by showing the thermal abnormalities present in the body. It is the only method available for visualizing pain and pathology.

It is best used to monitor inflammation, vascular activity and lymphatic activity over time to help maintain optimum health.

DITI offers the opportunity of earlier detection of breast disease. 

Unlike most tests, DITI is:
* non invasive
* painless
* no radiation
* FDA approved
* endorsed by the United Breast Cancer Foundation

The benefit of breast thermography is that it offers the opportunity of earlier detection of breast disease than has been possible through breast self examination, doctor examination or mammography alone.

Thermography can detect the subtle physiologic changes that accompany breast pathology, whether it is cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection or a vascular disease. Your doctor can then plan accordingly and lay out a careful program to further diagnose and / or MONITOR you during and after any treatment.

Thermography’s role in breast cancer and other breast disorders is to help in early detection and monitoring of abnormal physiology and the establishment of risk factors for the development or existence of cancer. When used with other procedures the best possible evaluation of breast health is made.

This test is designed to improve chances for detecting fast-growing, active tumors in the intervals between mammographic screenings or when mammography is not indicated by screening guidelines for women under 50 years of age.

Preparation for Thermography

General Information:

  • Proceedure is non-invasive, no contact, no radiation and FDA appoved.
  • Disrobing-remove clothing and jewelry in area to be scanned.  Put on a gown that will be supplied.  Inform your thermographer if you have any recent skin lesions on the area to be scanned because the inflammation may cause false test.
  • Thermography is performed by  certified clinical thermographer.

Patient Preparation:
On the day of your appointment, prior to screening, please


  • Have physical therapy or electromyography
  • Use a tanning booth and avoid overexposure to the sun
  • Shave your underarms or area to be scanned.
  • Use lotion, powder, makeup or anti-perspirant on area to be scanned.
  • Have accupuncture within 3 days of scan.
  • Wear tight fitting clothes.

​All of our thermologists are certified through the American College of Clinical Thermography.  The Meditherm camera is approved by the United Breast Cancer Foundation at